Mila Gojsalić
Croatian-Hrvatski,  Other

Mila Gojsalić

A very interesting and dramatic story.

Vrlo zanimljiva i dramatična priča.

I recommend doing some research on this nineteen-year-old Croatian heroine from the 16th century. There is debate over what is legend and what is history. The topic is covered elsewhere enough for the sparse information available. One way or the other it is a dramatic story. I could not find many images of her beyond her statue so I decided to use it as my amateur practice of shadowing.

Preporučujem da malo istražite ovu devetnaestogodišnju hrvatsku junakinju iz 16. stoljeća. Postoji rasprava o tome što je legenda, a što povijest. Tema je dovoljno pokrivena drugdje za oskudne dostupne informacije. Ovako ili onako, to je dramatična priča. Nisam mogao pronaći mnogo njezinih slika osim njezinog kipa pa sam ga odlučio koristiti kao svoju amatersku praksu sjenčenja.

Mila Gojsalić
Mila Gojsalić

Croatian-American Businessman with professional backgrounds in American civil litigation and N.A.T.O. centric military contracting. Creator of Anno the Card Game and Managing Partner of N.R.B.M. Corp.